Thai solar panel makers slam new rooftop rules
Claims licensing conditions are unfair.
The Thai Photovoltaic Industries Association is asking government to change the licensing of solar rooftop projects to make these projects viable.
Under the new rules, the submission period for projects will last for only two weeks and will end on September 20. Operators also need approval from other government agencies.
Operators noted, however, that a factory license from the Industrial Works Department can take as long as one year to obtain, while a license is also needed from planners relating to the location of their projects.
The rules also limit electricity output for residential projects to 100 MW while output for commercial buildings and factories will be limited to 200 MW.
TPVA said licensing conditions are a contradiction and noted that the City Planning Department is unable to grant licenses for rooftop solar panels.
TPVA also opposes the Energy Regulatory Commission condition that licenses will be approved on a first come, first served basis, saying this will open loopholes for operators to seek approval through insider connections and is against procurement law.