Move to club D-6 gas supply to power plants: GAIL supports move but wants PNGRB to have a say
GAIL has expressed support to the move of the Ministry of Power to club KG D-6 gas supplies against
allocation to different power units in an attempt to bring more efficiency in power production.
8The Company has welcomed evolution of a general policy in regard to clubbing of gas allocations to different
power units so long as all the transporters remain revenue neutral.
8For the purpose of evolving general guidelines in this regard, GAIL has suggested that the following aspects
be kept in view :
- Modus-operandi of interchanging the delivery points among various pipeline operators ;
- Modalities for examining technical feasibility of interchange of gas allocation / supply among different
transporters ;
- Mechanism for ensuring revenue neutrality of the concerned transporters in such transactions ; and
- Modalities for contractual agreement among various transporters so as to provide for flexibility in diverting
8Considering that a consensus in the matter would have far reaching consequences insofar as power production is
concerned, PNGRB also needs to be associated in evolving the guidelines as it is the statutory body responsible
for approving pipeline tariff for natural gas pipelines.