Pattern Energy, GPI start 113MW wind facility in Japan
It can meet the power demands of 47,000 households.
Renewable energy and transmission infrastructure Pattern Energy and Green Power Investment Corporation (GPI) commenced the operation of a 113-megawatt (MW) wind facility in Tono and Sumita in Iwate Prefecture.
In a statement, Pattern Energy CEO Hunter Armistead said the Sumita Tono Wind facility can supply energy to 47,000 households.
The facility which has 27 wind turbines with a 4.2MW capacity each has a 20-year feed-in-tariff power purchase deal with Tohoku Electric Power Network for all of the power output.
READ MORE: Azuma Kogen Wind Farm in Fukushima Prefecture goes online
GPI and affiliates will handle the operation and maintenance of the facility whilst Vestas will provide maintenance to the wind turbines.
Pattern Energy has eight renewable facilities in the country four of which are onshore wind and two are solar facilities that are in operation. An Offshore facility and onshore farm are still under construction.