Manual for Ambuklao and Binga plants approved
Napocor and its partners has placed its imprimatur on the manual of the Ambuklao and Binga power complex’s non-power components. The National Power Corporation, the Power Sector Assets & Liabilities Management Corporation, and SN Aboitiz Power-Benguet, Inc. has formally signed the documents approving the manual.
The manual covers the official procedure for the operation, surveillance and maintenance of the dam, spillway, and other appurtenant structures of the 75-megawatt Ambuklao and the 100-megawatt Binga Hydroelectric Power Plant Complex.
The manual was initially prepared by Tonkin & Taylor International Phils. Inc. and was reviewed, revised, and approved by a Technical Working Group made up of representatives from National Power Corporation, the Power Sector Assets & Liabilities Management Corporation, and SN Aboitiz Power-Benguet, Inc.
SN Aboitiz Power, the joint venture between SN Power of Norway and Aboitiz Equity Ventures, won the November 2007 public bidding for the Ambuklao and Binga hydroelectric power plants with an offer of US$325 million.
The 129-meter-high Ambuklao Dam was one of the highest rockfill dams in the world when it was first built in 1950. Located some 40 kilometers northeast of Baguio City, the Ambuklao Power Plant is composed of three units with a capacity of 25 MW each. The power plant, however, was damaged in an earthquake and has not been operational since 1999.
The Binga Power Plant, meanwhile, consists of four units with a combined installed capacity of 100 MW. It is located in Binga, Itogon, Benguet about 19 kilometers downstream of Ambuklao Dam. The dam and its appurtenant facilities were constructed in 1956 and started operations in 1960.
SN Aboitiz Power plans to rehabilitate and upgrade Ambuklao-Binga to increase the plants' combined capacity to 225 MW within the next few years.