Air Liquide Japan, Toyota Tsusho partner in hydrogen supply business
Will supply fuel cell electric vehicles in Japan. Both companies have formed a joint venture, Toyota Tsusho Air Liquide Hydrogen Energy Corporation, with headquarters in Nagoya. The JV will build two hydrogen refueling stations (HRS) in the Aichi area (Atsuta in Nagoya and Fukada in Toyota City) to supply hydrogen for future fuel cell electric vehicles.The HRS will be operational in 2014. Fuel cell vehicles are expected to reach the Japanese consumer market in 2015.Japan intends to build 100 HRS in and alongside highways connecting Tokyo, Nagoya, Osaka and Fukuoka by 2015.Air Liquide Group has developed technology across the entire hydrogen supply chain from production and storage to distribution and use by the end consumer. It has built 60 HRS for fuel cell vehicles around the world.Toyota Tsusho is a major affiliate of Toyota Group focusing on its energy-related business.