Completed CDM for 6 Projects Totaling Over RMB30 Million Revenues
Since the beginning of 2012, CPCEC’s Beijing-based Carbon Asset Operation and Management Co., Ltd. (Carbon Asset Company) has completed a new
round of CDM issuance for emission reductions of 6 projects of CPI. This contributed about Euro 4 million revenues from emission reductions,
totaling more than RMB 30 million.
The 6 projects are Qinghai Dongxu Cascade 2 Hydropower Project, Qinghai Jinshaxia Hydropower Project, Hunan Dongping Hydropower Project, Dalian
Tuoshan Wafangdian Wind Power Project, Jilin Changling Wind Power Project, and Sichuan Congen Hydropower Project. The Carbon Asset Company is
responsible for the CDM application, monitoring and issuance of all of them.