Japan radically changes energy policy after March Quake
The Fukushima disaster has meant overhaul in Japan's energy policy.
Speaking at the Singapore International Energy Week, Takuya Kimura from the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry said that prospects for the re-operation of nuclear power plant in Japan has become ‘negative’ which now pushes the country to increase the share of renewable energy to 20% by 2020 from current time’s 10%.
“The renewable energy market will increase 10 trillion on 2020, from 1trillion on 2009 by obtaining overseas market, innovation and deregulation,” he said.
According to Mr. Kimura, the goal was in line with the country’s revised Strategic Energy Plan of Japan for 2030 which also aims reducing carbon emissions.
“The Japanese government had now proceeded to a dramatical reform about Energy Policy by further introduction of renewable energy as a major policy. We had thought to have fundamentally change its energy supply and demand system by 2030,” he said.
“In order to archive this plan, it is necessary to develop and disseminate energy-related industries, technologies and systems, in which Japan has international competitiveness, as strengths. The energy policy and growth strategy of Japan have to be promoted in a unified manner.
The basic plan include the following:
1. The energy self-sufficiency ratio and self-developed fossil fuel supply ratio will be doubled respectively, and, as a result, the energy independence ratio will be raised to approximately 70% from 38% at present.
2. 2. The ratio of zero-emission power sources in the power source structure will be raised to approximately 70% from 34% at present.
3. CO2 emissions from energy consumption in the residential sector will be halved.
4. In the industrial sector, efforts will be made to maintain and enhance energy sufficiency, which is at the highest level in the world.
5. Japanese companies will promote to expand our top-class energy technologies internationally.