Japan to have enough power for winter months
Despite the shutting down of all of its nuclear reactors, Japan will not face serious power shortages this winter.
The government said that the nine power companies serving regions other than Okinawa all reported that their reserve capacity in the peak demand months from January to February is expected to exceed the minimum level of 3% needed for a stable energy supply.
In Hokkaido in northern Japan, the total supply capacity of 5.96 million kilowatts is more than enough to meet the maximum electricity demand estimated at 5.63 million kilowatts in February.
In western Japan, reserve capacities ranging from 5% to almost 6% are forecast by the regions five utilities. Even if some areas experience power shortfalls, they would be covered by extra power from other utilities.
In addition, the reserve capacity at Tokyo Electric Power Co., Tohoku Electric Power Co. and Hokuriku Electric Power Co. is also expected to remain well above 5%.