Indonesia to become world's largest geothermal power producer in 2021
It will soon be beating the Philipipnes as the world's second largest.
Think Geoenergy reported that with ongoing geothermal development and 345 MW of geothermal power generation capacity to come online next year, Indonesia is soon to overtake the Philippines as the second largest geothermal electricity producer in the world.
Head of Bureau of Communications, Public Information Service, and Cooperation at Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Dadan Kusdiana said this projection can be seen with the growing installed capacity of Geothermal Power Plant (GPP) which keeps increasing rapidly from year to year.
“Based on our analysis, Indonesia’s geothermal capacity will beat the world’s largest geothermal power producers, the United States and the Philippines by 2021,” Dadan said in Jakarta.
View the full report here.