Philippines to build mini-hydro plants in Nueva Ecija
The Philippines will construct four mini-hydro plants in Nueva Ecija.
This will be implemented under the National Irrigation Administration and the Philippine National Oil Co. – Renewable Corp.
The four projects may potentially jumpstart a program of NIA to provide rural areas in Nueva Ecija with irrigation water, electricity, and potable water.
NIA is now in the process of working on a feasibility study with PNOC-RC on the four mini-hydro units.
Under the plan, the initial projects may be constructed by the first half of 2013.
“We were targeting four at once since we already have an MOU with private investors,” NIA Administrator Antonio S. Nangel told reporters. “The cost of a mini-hydro is low that’s why investors are very glad.”
Government estimates placed total power generation of 150 megawatts from a targetted 200 mini-hydro projects. The cost can be a low of P18 million per MW, Nangel said. This is far cheaper than building expansive national irrigation-power facilities which can cost P80 to P180 million per MW.
NIA’s mini hydro project will also be faster to construct, taking only four to six months for construction because identified water sources are by nature nearly ready for irrigation water-power generation. It is faster to fabricate the turbines. Capacity of the mini hydro may generally be just 500 kilowatt per project.
The mini hydro facilities will also give highland farmers an opportunity to raise their farm production with irrigation water, potable water, and electricity.
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