Pakistan to receive renewable energy loans from Japan
Funding to bridge supply and demand gap in Pakistan.
Japan through its Japan International Corporation Agency (JICA) is planning to provide Pakistan with grants and yen loans for undertaking small alternative energy projects that generate solar, wind and hydro power in energy-starved Pakistan.
A JICA team is currently in Pakistan to conduct a Data Collection Survey on Renewable Energy Development. This survey will explore the possibility of cooperation with Japan for financing renewable energy projects that diversify power generation in Pakistan.
The government said Pakistan has a renewable energy power generation density ranging from of 4 to 5 KWh/m2 and more than 3,000 hours of sunshine throughout the year. As for wind energy, the “Sindh wind corridor” has the potential to produce about 50,000MW of energy.
Pakistan is urging Japan to build a wind turbine pilot project to demonstrate to investors the performance and efficiency of the turbines manufactured in Japan.