, China

Winning in Asia with Clean and Efficient Power for the Future

Today among IPPs (Independent Power Producers) Meiya Power Company Limited (MPC) has become the award-winning industry leader across the northern part of Asia.

Today among IPPs (Independent PowerProducers) Meiya Power Company Limited(MPC) has become the award-winningindustry leader across the northernpart of Asia. Many years of solid expertise inthe development, financing, construction andoperation of high quality power project has allowedthe company to provide sustainable and reliableenergy sources across the region. Founded in1995, MPC has an impressive mixed and diversifiedpower production portfolio focusing on green andrenewable energy sources from fuel cell plant in
Korea to clean natural gas plants in China.

In fact, in China alone MPC is today the largestforeign-owned IPP based on attributable installedcapacity and has achieved profitable growth at acompound annual rate of around 36% between2002 and 2010. A testament to MPC’s growingprestige within the industry is the fact that they wonThe Environmental Company of the Year Award atthe Asian Power Awards 2010.

MPC’s world-class management staff anddecades of unparalleled success make this excitingcompany ideally poised to take advantage of futureopportunities arising in north Asia’s ever expandingpower sector. Moreover, another very importantfactor in power generation today is environmentalprotection and energy efficiency. With this in mind,Chairman and CEO of MPC, Mr. Manuel Perezsays “We are committed to providing sustainable,reliable and affordable energy to meet the risingdemand throughout the region while protecting theenvironment. To this end, MPC has been pursuinga business strategy of fuel diversification, which isnot only a good risk management strategy but alsoreflects our dedication to minimise the environmentalimpact of power generation. Moving forward wewill be focusing even more on renewable energy”.

What has made MPC such a strong industryleader in such a short time? Mr. Perez believespeople are MPC’s most important and strategicasset. My management style is to build a strongteam and promote continuous team-building in acollaborative environment.

While the company is currently working onmany major projects throughout northern Asia, theMPC Yulchon Fuel Cell Plant is garnering particularattention for it advanced technology applications,leading the way for a new future in powergeneration.

MPC Yulchon Fuel Cell Plant

Innovating with promising technologies fortomorrow

Built and managed by MPC Yulchon Generation Company Limited (MYGEN) in South Korea, a whollyowned subsidiary of Meiya Power Company Limited(MPC), the MPC Yulchon Fuel Cell Plant is blazingnew trails in power generation for years to come.Fuel cells represent one of the few available lowcarbon technologies that can be brought to marketin the short term, which in turn, helps countries toachieve their climate and energy policy targets.

One of Asia’s and the world’s largest fuel cells

The MPC Yulchon Fuel Cell Plant is situated insidethe Yulchon gas-fired combined cycle plant site andcomprises two 2.4MW of molten carbonate fuelcells (model type: DFC3000) that use natural gas asfuel. It has been in operation since November 2009,supplying valuable energy to the main grid. Boastinga combined power generation of nearly 5MW, theMPC Yulchon Fuel Cell is one of the largest on-gridfuel cells in Asia and also one of the largest in theworld. Since MPC commence operation, YulchonFuel Cell has been very reliable and offered anoutstanding net capacity factor of over 90%.

Among the DFC power plant’s fleet of fuel cells,the DFC3000 system is by far the largest. Theinnovative design and advanced technology usedin it manufacture make it the ideal eco-friendlybase load power for grid support, eliminating theneed for costly investments in transmission anddistribution networks. In addition, because this fuelcell plant offers low impact and quiet operationadvantages, it’s the perfect choice in areas whereconventional power generation plants can’t be builtor are opposed by the public for environmentalreasons.

How do fuel cells work?

A fuel cell is an electrochemical power source thatworks by converting hydrogen and oxygen intoelectricity and heat but leaving behind only smallamounts of emissions. Fuel cells help in the globaleffort to reduce greenhouse gases and pollutants.With an overall efficiency of 70%, the fuel cellsbuilt by MPC Yulchong are twice as efficient asconventional coal-fired generation pants and threetimes more efficient than Solar PV panel powergeneration methods.

The Shanghai Weigang Energy Project

Converting waste into clean power

Another example of Meiya Power’s commitment toenergy efficiency is MPC Shanghai Weigang EnergyProject (Weigang), it is a 50MW power plant jointlyowned and operated by Meiya Power CompanyLtd. and Baosteel Group Shanghai No.1 Steel Co.,Ltd. This pioneering, environmentally friendly powerplant recycles waste gas from a steel mill’s blastfurnace and uses it as fuel to produce electricity.Traditionally the waste gas would be dischargedinto the atmosphere, adding to pollutants in the airacross the greater Shanghai area.

Weigang holds the title of being the first powerplant in China to burn 100% low heat value blastfurnace gas (less than 10% heating value comparedwith natural gas) without the need for any auxiliaryfuel source. The plant includes a high temperature,high pressure boiler and a 50MW steam turbinegenerator. It began commercial operations in 2000to generate electricity for the steel factory.

Efficiently utilising waste gas in this way allows thisproject to avoid burning over 176,000 tons of coalper year. This is a significant contribution in helpingto drastically lower CO2 and SO2 emissions over thecity of Shanghai. The Weigang plant managementsystem has also earned certification of internationalstandard ISO 14000 in 2008 for environmentalprotection. Moreover, the plant has receivedfrom the local Shanghai government numerousprestigious awards for its outstanding fuel efficiencyand energy savings. These include: The ShanghaiHigh-Tech Enterprise Award and the Foreign-FundedEnterprises with Advanced Technology Award. Theplant also earned OHSAS18001 and ISO 9001certifications in 2009.

Enhancing energy efficiency

The experienced management team at the Weigangproject has been taking active measures over thepast several years to improve energy efficiency inorder to reduce internal energy consumption andreduce pollution exhaust.The fruits of these efforts have been reflected in
the plant’s reduced water and oil consumption alongwith a lowering of CO2 emissions, waste waterdischarge and improved output and efficiency. Thisfollows the basic operating philosophy at Weigang tocontinue making this an even more environmentallyfriendly project for China.

Power that brings about environmental and energycost benefitsWeigang is a project that offers comprehensivebenefits. It helps to address both energy efficiencyand environmental improvements by convertingwaste into energy and producing power in a moreefficient process. It also helps to improve the airquality environment of the local community.

The way forward for energy

The recent rising risk premiums and tight creditsituation as result of the global economic turmoil overthe past several years has affected every companyaround the globe, but MPC has weathered thestorm remarkably well through a prudent strategyof maintaining long-term diversification of its assetportfolio and following a disciplined approachtoward managing growth. Mr. Perez says, “As weface current and future challenges, we will continueto build on our reputation as the ‘Partner of Choice’by reinforcing our long-term good relationshipswith our partners, stakeholder and the communitythat we serve.”

As for future trends, the direction toward green,renewable energy sources is undeniably the wayforward. “Without doubt, the shift toward a moresustainable energy future is already happening andwill continue. However, the future energy picture willdepend not only on environmental considerationsbut also on economic, technological and politicalfactors,” Mr. Perez concluded.

15/F Harbour Centre,
25 Harbour Road,
Wanchai, Hongkong
Tel: (852)2593-3222
Fax: (852)2519-0313

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