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S&C Power Quality Solutions

A UPS might be the right answer for your power quality problem.

A UPS might be the right answer for yourpower quality problem. Or it mightnot. No two installations have thesame power quality needs. That’s whyS&C Electric Company offers a family of productsthat provides solutions to yourpower qualityproblems.

PureWave UPS™ Systems

S&C’s PureWave UPS™ System provides enhancedservice continuity to facilities served by a singleutility source. The PureWave UPS System protectspower-sensitive equipment from the detrimental effects of disturbances such as voltage sags,momentary disruptions, and complete outages.This unique Smart Grid solution supports the entire load with clean power for up to 60 seconds,eliminating 99% of all power quality problems andsupports reduced loads for up to 180 seconds.A high-efficiency static switch provides a 2- to4-millisecond response.

The PureWave UPS System can be coordinatedwith a backup generator set, assuring seamlessservice through extended outages. Ride-throughtime can be tailored to permit start-up, then “soft”load transfer to the backup generator, for 100%protection through extended outages. No costlyutility paralleling switchgear is needed. The backupgenerator can be sized up to 35% smaller than withconventional UPS systems. The system features areliable off-line design which utilizes maintenancefreebatteries with non-prorated 5-year warranty,increasing battery life and reducing maintenance.Installable outdoors, the system is completely selfcontainedin a NEMA 3R (IP 53) enclosure, withan exceptionally small footprint. This also increasessavings due to reduced interior air- onditioningload. The PureWave UPS System can provide powerprotection for an entire facility and is available in awide range of capacities: low-voltage models from313 kVA up to 2500 kVA, and medium-voltagemodels from 2.5 MVA to 20 MVA for 5- to 25-kVapplications. As the critical load grows, additional313-kVA modules can be added at any time tothe capacity required for your present criticalload. As many as eight 2.5-MVA containers can beparalleled to protect medium-voltage loads up to20 MVA.

PureWave DSTATCOM® Distributed StaticCompensator

S&C’s PureWave DSTATCOM Distributed StaticCompensator is a fast-compensating reactivepower source that’s applied on the transmissionor distribution system to reduce voltage variationssuch as sags and flicker, along with instabilitycaused by rapidly varying reactive power demand.It can provide quick recovery for the transmissionsystem after contingency events such as loss ofpart of the system and provides ultra-fast voltagecontrol by providing leading and lagging reactivepower for utility applications.

It protects the distribution system from voltageflicker caused by the rapidly varying current drawof large non-linear reactive loads up to 60 MVA.PureWave DSTATCOM is well suited to a major goalof the Smart Grid: Integration of renewable energysources, such as wind and tidal power generation.It allows these renewable energy sources to meetutility interconnection requirements and the power factor, voltage output, and low-voltageride-through requirements of various worldwidegrid codes. PureWave DSTATCOM has been applied on a number of utility systems and windfarms since the late 1990s, meeting or exceedingall specifications.

Smart Grid SMS™ Storage ManagementSystem

The Smart Grid SMS Storage Management Systemis suitable for a wide range of applications,including peak shaving at the point of commonconnection to the grid, frequency or powerfactor regulation, energy arbitrage, andpower for black-start situations. The stored energy canbe used to reduce substation loading or can beapplied in a net-metering arrangement with onsitegeneration. It can also be applied to improvelocal power quality and reliability for a feeder or aspecific customer. A few applications where thissystem can be utilized:

• UPS for Data Centers. The SMS is the largestcapacitystatic inverter pack available in the UPSindustry. Its highcapacity, and ability to functionat medium voltage, gives data center designersgreater flexibility than ever before. Its robustdesign is capable of powering complete datacenter loads, including air conditioning chillersystems. Single bus systems up to 24,000 kW arepossible with the SMS.

•SMS for Renewable Energy. Solar and windenergy are intermittent power sources that thegrid must accept whenever available. The SMScan store the power when it’s produced, and thenuse that energy for generation ramp- ate control,output-smoothing, or time-shifting eliminating theneed for replacement power.

• Grid-Scale Energy Storage. The SMS can deliverup to 2 MW of stored energy to the grid from anytype of battery storage system.

• Islanding. When applied with S&C’s IntelliTeamSG™ Automatic Restoration System, the SMS canbe used in remote areas, during power outages.Upon loss of utility power, IntelliTEAM SG reconfigures the distribution system and uses thestored energy to serve local customers for as longas 7 hours.

•Peak Shaving. During high demand periods,the SMS can provide full output for up to 7 hourswhich reduces the system peak, deferring theneed for capacity additions on the distribution or transmission system.

S&C Electric Company
6601 N. Ridge Blvd.
Chicago, IL 60626-3997 USA
Tel: +1 773-338-1000 Fax: 773-338-5102
email: [email protected]

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