TEPCO to stabilise Fukushima plant in 6 months
TEPCO unveiled plans to stabilise the quake-hit Fukushima Daiichi plant in Japan, within six months.
The first three months of the two-part plan include installation of a cooling system where core reactor temperatures will fall below 100°C, to reduce radiation levels within .
The second part of the project will involve the introduction of a heat removal system and elimination of contaminated water.
Tokyo Electric Power Company plans to place bags of sand and zeolite near the reactors to absorb radiation and to stop leakage of radioactive water into the sea from a pit near the No.2 reactor.
The company said it plans to fill the reactor containment vessels with water in reactors No.1 and 3 and fill nitrogen in reactor contaminated vessels near reactors 2 and 3 to avoid hydrogen explosions. It added that it will also strengthen the walls and base of a pool containing spent fuel rods in the No.4 reactor building, reports Bloomberg.